
TC-9007 German Mountain Toy Soldiers Are Released!

TOYSCITY 9007 German Mountain Soldiers Machine Gunners are available now on our toys store 7-HOBBY. It is one of the early works of ToysCity. We thought it had been sold out before, while we find we still have some in the warehouse. Because it is mountain soldiers, so they are equipped with a WWII German Lantern 1/6 scale military models specially. The 1/6 scale military uniform includes a mountain cap with edelweiss insignia, a M40 field blouse, a pair of M1936 berghosen trousers, a windjacket and a pair of bergschuhe mountain boots with puttees. The 1/6 scale weapons military models include a MG34 machine gun and a P-38 pistol. Otherwise, this item also comes with a snow goggles, a M31 breadbag, a gebirgsjager water bottle, a M31 mess kit, a M1931 gebirgsjager rucksack, a ice pick, a piton hammer pitons, a rope, a MG34 machine gun pouch and cleaning cloth, because of the special environment where the mountain soldiers live in. TC-9007 is a special item on 7-HOBBY, and you will sace $10.00 if you purchase this item before the end of Apr 2012. Toy soldiers collectors, grab your chance!

