Solider figures are not only in 1/6 scale, and they also have some other basic types
such as 1/18 scale and 1/24 scale. 1/6 scale soldier figures can be so popular
is mainly because of the optimal fidelity. In the modern
society that almost all things can be manufactured by machine, more than 90% of
its production process is needed to be done by hand, which directly determined its
low volume production.
Besides, some factories
often release some limited edition products, which tantalize most
collectors. It is certainly that not all the soldier figures can be
appreciated, and only those classical and typical soldier figures have great
appreciation space in the market. It is also the reason
that why some certain collections are snatched up once released. So it
is not excessive to treat these small soldier figures as
excellent collectibles no matter in enjoyment or value-added potential.